
Content Halfway Houses: What Is a Halfway House? What Can Residents Bring to a Halfway House? How Much Does a Halfway House Cost? What you should know about halfway houses Placement in a RRC comes with hope that the individual will maintain or rebuild ties to the community and not recidivate. While that may seem daunting, it isn’t a road people have to travel alone or ill-equipped. There are tools, […]


If you’re looking for a lightweight, portable breathalyzer that provides reliable BAC test results, you won’t be disappointed with the BACtrack Go Keychain Breathalyzer. It fits in any pocket or purse and uses advanced MicroCheck Sensor technology to provide accurate results. This breathalyzer is one of the easiest to use and has one of the best-looking designs. It uses a sensitive semiconductor sensor that delivers quick results and lets you […]


Even drinking alcohol while taking over-the-counter antihistamines can be dangerous. Using alcohol with opioid pain relievers such as oxycodone and morphine or illicit opioids such as heroin is also a very dangerous combination. Like alcohol, these drugs suppress areas in the brain that control vital functions such as breathing. Ingesting alcohol and other drugs together intensifies their individual effects and could produce an overdose with even moderate amounts of alcohol. […]